Agriculture Commodity Mandi prices in Bindki market, Fatehpur, Uttar Pradesh - - Agriculture Products and Services for Farmers in India

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Commodity prices in Bindki market, Fatehpur, Uttar Pradesh

Sl no. State District Market Commodity Variety Min Price (Rs./Quintal) Max Price (Rs./Quintal) Modal Price (Rs./Quintal) Price Date Details
1 Uttar Pradesh Fatehpur Bindki Rice Common 2900 3100 3070 26 Jul
2 Uttar Pradesh Fatehpur Bindki Wheat Dara 2400 2610 2440 26 Jul
3 Uttar Pradesh Fatehpur Bindki Mustard Oil Mustard Oil 12940 12980 12950 26 Jul
4 Uttar Pradesh Fatehpur Bindki Onion Red 2900 3000 2950 26 Jul
5 Uttar Pradesh Fatehpur Bindki Garlic Garlic 11700 11800 11750 26 Jul
6 Uttar Pradesh Fatehpur Bindki Bottle gourd Bottle Gourd 1600 1680 1640 26 Jul
7 Uttar Pradesh Fatehpur Bindki Green Gram (Moong)(Whole) Green (Whole) 7800 7950 7880 26 Jul
8 Uttar Pradesh Fatehpur Bindki Apple Delicious 9100 9200 9140 26 Jul
9 Uttar Pradesh Fatehpur Bindki Paddy(Dhan)(Common) Fine 2270 2380 2300 26 Jul
10 Uttar Pradesh Fatehpur Bindki Paddy(Dhan)(Common) Common 2150 2240 2170 26 Jul
11 Uttar Pradesh Fatehpur Bindki Tomato Hybrid 4500 4700 4620 26 Jul
12 Uttar Pradesh Fatehpur Bindki Sponge gourd Sponge gourd 1300 1370 1340 26 Jul
13 Uttar Pradesh Fatehpur Bindki Potato Potato 2280 2340 2300 26 Jul
14 Uttar Pradesh Fatehpur Bindki Banana Banana - Ripe 2900 3000 2960 26 Jul
15 Uttar Pradesh Fatehpur Bindki Pumpkin Pumpkin 1630 1730 1680 25 Jul
16 Uttar Pradesh Fatehpur Bindki Wood Eucalyptus 350 430 380 25 Jul
17 Uttar Pradesh Fatehpur Bindki Green Chilli Green Chilly 4000 4200 4130 25 Jul


Price Date : 26 Jul

State : Uttar Pradesh

District : Fatehpur

Market : Bindki

Variety : Common


Price Date : 26 Jul

State : Uttar Pradesh

District : Fatehpur

Market : Bindki

Variety : Dara

Mustard Oil

Price Date : 26 Jul

State : Uttar Pradesh

District : Fatehpur

Market : Bindki

Variety : Mustard Oil


Price Date : 26 Jul

State : Uttar Pradesh

District : Fatehpur

Market : Bindki

Variety : Red


Price Date : 26 Jul

State : Uttar Pradesh

District : Fatehpur

Market : Bindki

Variety : Garlic

Bottle gourd

Price Date : 26 Jul

State : Uttar Pradesh

District : Fatehpur

Market : Bindki

Variety : Bottle Gourd

Green Gram (Moong)(Whole)

Price Date : 26 Jul

State : Uttar Pradesh

District : Fatehpur

Market : Bindki

Variety : Green (Whole)


Price Date : 26 Jul

State : Uttar Pradesh

District : Fatehpur

Market : Bindki

Variety : Delicious


Price Date : 26 Jul

State : Uttar Pradesh

District : Fatehpur

Market : Bindki

Variety : Fine


Price Date : 26 Jul

State : Uttar Pradesh

District : Fatehpur

Market : Bindki

Variety : Common


Price Date : 26 Jul

State : Uttar Pradesh

District : Fatehpur

Market : Bindki

Variety : Hybrid

Sponge gourd

Price Date : 26 Jul

State : Uttar Pradesh

District : Fatehpur

Market : Bindki

Variety : Sponge gourd


Price Date : 26 Jul

State : Uttar Pradesh

District : Fatehpur

Market : Bindki

Variety : Potato


Price Date : 26 Jul

State : Uttar Pradesh

District : Fatehpur

Market : Bindki

Variety : Banana - Ripe


Price Date : 25 Jul

State : Uttar Pradesh

District : Fatehpur

Market : Bindki

Variety : Pumpkin


Price Date : 25 Jul

State : Uttar Pradesh

District : Fatehpur

Market : Bindki

Variety : Eucalyptus

Green Chilli

Price Date : 25 Jul

State : Uttar Pradesh

District : Fatehpur

Market : Bindki

Variety : Green Chilly