Agriculture Commodity Mandi prices in Moth market, Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh - - Agriculture Products and Services for Farmers in India

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Commodity prices in Moth market, Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh

Sl no. State District Market Commodity Variety Min Price (Rs./Quintal) Max Price (Rs./Quintal) Modal Price (Rs./Quintal) Price Date Details
1 Uttar Pradesh Jhansi Moth Banana Banana - Ripe 1950 2100 2050 26 Jul
2 Uttar Pradesh Jhansi Moth Onion Red 2800 2950 2870 26 Jul
3 Uttar Pradesh Jhansi Moth Tomato Deshi 4470 4600 4550 26 Jul
4 Uttar Pradesh Jhansi Moth Potato Desi 2300 2500 2430 26 Jul
5 Uttar Pradesh Jhansi Moth Wheat Dara 2445 2520 2490 26 Jul
6 Uttar Pradesh Jhansi Moth Rice III 3200 3300 3250 26 Jul
7 Uttar Pradesh Jhansi Moth Gur(Jaggery) Yellow 4550 4650 4600 26 Jul
8 Uttar Pradesh Jhansi Moth Green Gram (Moong)(Whole) Green (Whole) 7000 7100 7000 24 Jul
9 Uttar Pradesh Jhansi Moth Bengal Gram(Gram)(Whole) Bold 6200 6600 6380 22 Jul


Price Date : 26 Jul

State : Uttar Pradesh

District : Jhansi

Market : Moth

Variety : Banana - Ripe


Price Date : 26 Jul

State : Uttar Pradesh

District : Jhansi

Market : Moth

Variety : Red


Price Date : 26 Jul

State : Uttar Pradesh

District : Jhansi

Market : Moth

Variety : Deshi


Price Date : 26 Jul

State : Uttar Pradesh

District : Jhansi

Market : Moth

Variety : Desi


Price Date : 26 Jul

State : Uttar Pradesh

District : Jhansi

Market : Moth

Variety : Dara


Price Date : 26 Jul

State : Uttar Pradesh

District : Jhansi

Market : Moth

Variety : III


Price Date : 26 Jul

State : Uttar Pradesh

District : Jhansi

Market : Moth

Variety : Yellow

Green Gram (Moong)(Whole)

Price Date : 24 Jul

State : Uttar Pradesh

District : Jhansi

Market : Moth

Variety : Green (Whole)

Bengal Gram(Gram)(Whole)

Price Date : 22 Jul

State : Uttar Pradesh

District : Jhansi

Market : Moth

Variety : Bold