Agriculture Commodity Mandi prices in Gondal market, Rajkot, Gujarat - - Agriculture Products and Services for Farmers in India

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Commodity prices in Gondal market, Rajkot, Gujarat

Sl no. State District Market Commodity Variety Min Price (Rs./Quintal) Max Price (Rs./Quintal) Modal Price (Rs./Quintal) Price Date Details
1 Gujarat Rajkot Gondal Cotton H.B (Unginned) 6005 8355 8280 7 Sep
2 Gujarat Rajkot Gondal Sesamum(Sesame,Gingelly,Til) Black 12000 17405 16380 7 Sep
3 Gujarat Rajkot Gondal Arhar (Tur/Red Gram)(Whole) Arhar (Whole) 9755 10905 10005 7 Sep
4 Gujarat Rajkot Gondal Groundnut G20 3755 5955 5555 7 Sep
5 Gujarat Rajkot Gondal Sesamum(Sesame,Gingelly,Til) White 9000 13305 12105 7 Sep
6 Gujarat Rajkot Gondal Groundnut Bold Kernel 4500 6655 5605 7 Sep
7 Gujarat Rajkot Gondal Wheat Sechor No. 1 2700 3355 2800 7 Sep
8 Gujarat Rajkot Gondal Cummin Seed(Jeera) Cummin Seed(Jeera) 17405 24405 22855 7 Sep
9 Gujarat Rajkot Gondal Castor Seed Castor seed 5155 5905 5805 7 Sep
10 Gujarat Rajkot Gondal Black Gram (Urd Beans)(Whole) Desi 5105 9355 6155 7 Sep
11 Gujarat Rajkot Gondal White Peas White Peas 2605 10905 9880 7 Sep
12 Gujarat Rajkot Gondal Jowar(Sorghum) Jowar ( White) 3805 3805 3805 7 Sep
13 Gujarat Rajkot Gondal Onion Red 1155 3905 2955 7 Sep
14 Gujarat Rajkot Gondal Bajra(Pearl Millet/Cumbu) Deshi 2055 2255 2255 7 Sep
15 Gujarat Rajkot Gondal Wheat Lokwan 2740 3060 2850 7 Sep
16 Gujarat Rajkot Gondal Soyabean Yellow 3755 4380 4280 7 Sep
17 Gujarat Rajkot Gondal Maize Yellow 2355 2355 2355 7 Sep
18 Gujarat Rajkot Gondal Garlic Garlic 12455 28505 22255 7 Sep
19 Gujarat Rajkot Gondal Corriander seed Coriander Seed 4000 7505 6555 7 Sep
20 Gujarat Rajkot Gondal Bengal Gram(Gram)(Whole) Desi (Whole) 6755 7355 7105 6 Sep
21 Gujarat Rajkot Gondal Mustard Mustard 5055 5055 5055 6 Sep
22 Gujarat Rajkot Gondal Green Gram (Moong)(Whole) Green (Whole) 5605 8305 7755 4 Sep


Price Date : 7 Sep

State : Gujarat

District : Rajkot

Market : Gondal

Variety : H.B (Unginned)


Price Date : 7 Sep

State : Gujarat

District : Rajkot

Market : Gondal

Variety : Black

Arhar (Tur/Red Gram)(Whole)

Price Date : 7 Sep

State : Gujarat

District : Rajkot

Market : Gondal

Variety : Arhar (Whole)


Price Date : 7 Sep

State : Gujarat

District : Rajkot

Market : Gondal

Variety : G20


Price Date : 7 Sep

State : Gujarat

District : Rajkot

Market : Gondal

Variety : White


Price Date : 7 Sep

State : Gujarat

District : Rajkot

Market : Gondal

Variety : Bold Kernel


Price Date : 7 Sep

State : Gujarat

District : Rajkot

Market : Gondal

Variety : Sechor No. 1

Cummin Seed(Jeera)

Price Date : 7 Sep

State : Gujarat

District : Rajkot

Market : Gondal

Variety : Cummin Seed(Jeera)

Castor Seed

Price Date : 7 Sep

State : Gujarat

District : Rajkot

Market : Gondal

Variety : Castor seed

Black Gram (Urd Beans)(Whole)

Price Date : 7 Sep

State : Gujarat

District : Rajkot

Market : Gondal

Variety : Desi

White Peas

Price Date : 7 Sep

State : Gujarat

District : Rajkot

Market : Gondal

Variety : White Peas


Price Date : 7 Sep

State : Gujarat

District : Rajkot

Market : Gondal

Variety : Jowar ( White)


Price Date : 7 Sep

State : Gujarat

District : Rajkot

Market : Gondal

Variety : Red

Bajra(Pearl Millet/Cumbu)

Price Date : 7 Sep

State : Gujarat

District : Rajkot

Market : Gondal

Variety : Deshi


Price Date : 7 Sep

State : Gujarat

District : Rajkot

Market : Gondal

Variety : Lokwan


Price Date : 7 Sep

State : Gujarat

District : Rajkot

Market : Gondal

Variety : Yellow


Price Date : 7 Sep

State : Gujarat

District : Rajkot

Market : Gondal

Variety : Yellow


Price Date : 7 Sep

State : Gujarat

District : Rajkot

Market : Gondal

Variety : Garlic

Corriander seed

Price Date : 7 Sep

State : Gujarat

District : Rajkot

Market : Gondal

Variety : Coriander Seed

Bengal Gram(Gram)(Whole)

Price Date : 6 Sep

State : Gujarat

District : Rajkot

Market : Gondal

Variety : Desi (Whole)


Price Date : 6 Sep

State : Gujarat

District : Rajkot

Market : Gondal

Variety : Mustard

Green Gram (Moong)(Whole)

Price Date : 4 Sep

State : Gujarat

District : Rajkot

Market : Gondal

Variety : Green (Whole)