Agriculture Commodity Mandi prices in Thirupathur market, Vellore, Tamil Nadu - - Agriculture Products and Services for Farmers in India

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Commodity prices in Thirupathur market, Vellore, Tamil Nadu

Sl no. State District Market Commodity Variety Min Price (Rs./Quintal) Max Price (Rs./Quintal) Modal Price (Rs./Quintal) Price Date Details
1 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Onion Green Onion Green 60 65 65 5 Jul
2 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Mango (Raw-Ripe) Mango - Raw-Ripe 25 30 30 5 Jul
3 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Green Peas Green Peas 100 120 120 5 Jul
4 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Green Chilli Green Chilly 70 80 80 5 Jul
5 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Jack Fruit Jack Fruit 24 30 30 5 Jul
6 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Lemon Lemon 40 60 60 5 Jul
7 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Cluster beans Cluster Beans 30 35 35 5 Jul
8 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Tomato Deshi 30 35 35 4 Jul
9 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Banana Besrai 30 40 40 4 Jul
10 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Snakeguard Snakeguard 36 40 40 4 Jul
11 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Banana - Green Banana - Green 20 30 30 4 Jul
12 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Carrot Pusakesar 60 70 70 4 Jul
13 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Chow Chow Chow Chow 45 50 50 4 Jul
14 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Coriander(Leaves) I Sort 40 50 50 4 Jul
15 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Guava Guava Alahabad 50 60 60 4 Jul
16 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Tapioca Tapioca 25 30 30 4 Jul
17 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Ginger(Green) Green Ginger 150 170 170 4 Jul
18 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Cucumbar(Kheera) Cucumbar 35 40 40 4 Jul
19 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Beetroot Beetroot 44 50 50 4 Jul
20 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Knool Khol Knool Khol 60 70 70 4 Jul
21 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Amla(Nelli Kai) Amla 44 50 50 4 Jul
22 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Yam (Ratalu) Yam (Ratalu) 70 80 80 4 Jul
23 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Ashgourd Gouard 25 30 30 4 Jul
24 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Coconut Coconut 25 30 30 4 Jul
25 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Onion Bellary 35 40 40 4 Jul
26 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Amaranthus Amaranthus 25 30 30 4 Jul
27 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Cauliflower Ranchi 24 30 30 4 Jul
28 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Mint(Pudina) Mint(Pudina) 40 50 50 4 Jul
29 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Cabbage Cabbage 40 44 44 4 Jul
30 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Green Avare (W) Avare (W) 80 90 90 4 Jul
31 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Jamun(Narale Hannu) Jamun 60 80 80 4 Jul
32 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Potato (Red Nanital) 40 44 44 4 Jul
33 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Pumpkin Pumpkin 15 20 20 4 Jul
34 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Tender Coconut Tender Coconut 25 30 30 4 Jul
35 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Thondekai Thondekai 34 40 40 4 Jul
36 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Capsicum Capsicum 36 40 40 4 Jul
37 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Drumstick Drumstick 90 100 100 4 Jul
38 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Mango Safeda 40 50 50 4 Jul
39 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Papaya Papaya 24 30 30 4 Jul
40 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Raddish Raddish 30 35 35 4 Jul
41 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Bitter gourd Bitter Gourd 60 70 70 4 Jul
42 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Bottle gourd Bottle Gourd 15 20 20 4 Jul
43 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Ridgeguard(Tori) Ridgeguard(Tori) 44 50 50 4 Jul
44 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Sweet Potato Hosur Red 34 40 40 4 Jul
45 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Tamarind Fruit Tamarind Fruit 80 90 90 4 Jul
46 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Bhindi(Ladies Finger) Bhindi 20 26 26 4 Jul
47 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Beans Beans (Whole) 90 100 100 4 Jul
48 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Brinjal Round 44 50 50 4 Jul
49 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Garlic Average 200 240 240 4 Jul
50 Tamil Nadu Vellore Thirupathur Elephant Yam (Suran) Elephant Yam (Suran) 55 60 60 2 Jul

Onion Green

Price Date : 5 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Onion Green

Mango (Raw-Ripe)

Price Date : 5 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Mango - Raw-Ripe

Green Peas

Price Date : 5 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Green Peas

Green Chilli

Price Date : 5 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Green Chilly

Jack Fruit

Price Date : 5 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Jack Fruit


Price Date : 5 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Lemon

Cluster beans

Price Date : 5 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Cluster Beans


Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Deshi


Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Besrai


Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Snakeguard

Banana - Green

Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Banana - Green


Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Pusakesar

Chow Chow

Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Chow Chow


Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : I Sort


Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Guava Alahabad


Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Tapioca


Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Green Ginger


Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Cucumbar


Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Beetroot

Knool Khol

Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Knool Khol

Amla(Nelli Kai)

Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Amla

Yam (Ratalu)

Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Yam (Ratalu)


Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Gouard


Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Coconut


Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Bellary


Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Amaranthus


Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Ranchi


Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Mint(Pudina)


Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Cabbage

Green Avare (W)

Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Avare (W)

Jamun(Narale Hannu)

Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Jamun


Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : (Red Nanital)


Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Pumpkin

Tender Coconut

Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Tender Coconut


Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Thondekai


Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Capsicum


Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Drumstick


Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Safeda


Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Papaya


Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Raddish

Bitter gourd

Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Bitter Gourd

Bottle gourd

Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Bottle Gourd


Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Ridgeguard(Tori)

Sweet Potato

Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Hosur Red

Tamarind Fruit

Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Tamarind Fruit

Bhindi(Ladies Finger)

Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Bhindi


Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Beans (Whole)


Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Round


Price Date : 4 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Average

Elephant Yam (Suran)

Price Date : 2 Jul

State : Tamil Nadu

District : Vellore

Market : Thirupathur

Variety : Elephant Yam (Suran)