Agriculture Commodity Mandi prices in Narwal Jammu (F&V) market, Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir - - Agriculture Products and Services for Farmers in India

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Commodity prices in Narwal Jammu (F&V) market, Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir

Sl no. State District Market Commodity Variety Min Price (Rs./Quintal) Max Price (Rs./Quintal) Modal Price (Rs./Quintal) Price Date Details
1 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Lemon Other 6500 9000 7750 14 Sep
2 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Potato Potato 1800 2600 2200 14 Sep
3 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Spinach Other 4000 4500 4250 14 Sep
4 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Apple Delicious 7000 8500 7750 14 Sep
5 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Cauliflower Other 4500 5500 5000 14 Sep
6 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Pomegranate Other 8000 12000 10000 14 Sep
7 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Banana Other 4000 4600 4300 14 Sep
8 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Onion Other 4200 4800 4500 14 Sep
9 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Round gourd Other 1500 2500 2000 14 Sep
10 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Garlic Other 20000 30000 25000 14 Sep
11 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) French Beans (Frasbean) French Beans (Frasbean) 4000 4500 4250 14 Sep
12 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Mousambi(Sweet Lime) Other 4000 4500 4250 14 Sep
13 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Pumpkin Other 1000 1800 1400 14 Sep
14 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Green Chilli Other 3000 3200 3100 14 Sep
15 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Bhindi(Ladies Finger) Other 1800 2500 2150 14 Sep
16 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Cabbage Other 2000 2200 2100 14 Sep
17 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Ginger(Green) Other 4500 5000 4750 14 Sep
18 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Pear(Marasebu) Other 3400 7000 5200 14 Sep
19 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Brinjal Other 1300 1500 1400 14 Sep
20 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Guava Other 7500 8500 8000 14 Sep
21 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Mashrooms Other 12000 16000 14000 14 Sep
22 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Papaya Other 3000 3600 3300 14 Sep
23 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Tomato Other 2500 2800 2650 14 Sep
24 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Apple Other 8000 12000 10000 14 Sep
25 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Bitter gourd Other 2300 2500 2400 14 Sep
26 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Bottle gourd Bottle Gourd 1500 2000 1750 14 Sep
27 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Capsicum Other 5500 7500 6500 14 Sep
28 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Little gourd (Kundru) Little gourd (Kundru) 2000 2600 2300 14 Sep
29 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Knool Khol Other 2000 2500 2250 14 Sep
30 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Pineapple Pine Apple 4000 8000 6100 14 Sep
31 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Raddish Other 1800 2600 2200 14 Sep
32 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Ridgeguard(Tori) Other 1500 2500 2000 14 Sep
33 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Tender Coconut Tender Coconut 6000 6500 6250 14 Sep
34 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Water Melon Water Melon 2800 3200 3000 14 Sep
35 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Cucumbar(Kheera) Other 1800 2200 2000 14 Sep
36 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Field Pea Field Pea 13800 14000 13900 14 Sep
37 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Lotus Sticks Lotus Sticks 5000 6000 5500 14 Sep
38 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Carrot Other 2000 2200 2100 13 Sep
39 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Beetroot Other 2100 2300 2200 13 Sep
40 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Carrot Other 2000 2200 2100 13 Sep
41 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Coriander(Leaves) Other 9000 10000 9500 13 Sep
42 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Coriander(Leaves) Other 9000 10000 9500 13 Sep
43 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Pear(Marasebu) Pears 4500 5500 5000 13 Sep
44 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Orange Nagpuri 8000 10000 9000 12 Sep
45 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Water Melon Other 2600 2800 2700 9 Sep
46 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Apple Apple 2500 3500 3000 7 Sep
47 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Mango Chausa 14000 15000 14500 5 Sep
48 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Colacasia Colacasia 5000 5200 5100 3 Sep
49 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Apple Rizakwadi 2500 3500 3000 31 Aug
50 Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Narwal Jammu (F&V) Mango Other 5000 5500 5250 23 Aug


Price Date : 14 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Other


Price Date : 14 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Potato


Price Date : 14 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Other


Price Date : 14 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Delicious


Price Date : 14 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Other


Price Date : 14 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Other


Price Date : 14 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Other


Price Date : 14 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Other

Round gourd

Price Date : 14 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Other


Price Date : 14 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Other

French Beans (Frasbean)

Price Date : 14 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : French Beans (Frasbean)

Mousambi(Sweet Lime)

Price Date : 14 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Other


Price Date : 14 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Other

Green Chilli

Price Date : 14 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Other

Bhindi(Ladies Finger)

Price Date : 14 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Other


Price Date : 14 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Other


Price Date : 14 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Other


Price Date : 14 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Other


Price Date : 14 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Other


Price Date : 14 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Other


Price Date : 14 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Other


Price Date : 14 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Other


Price Date : 14 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Other


Price Date : 14 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Other

Bitter gourd

Price Date : 14 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Other

Bottle gourd

Price Date : 14 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Bottle Gourd


Price Date : 14 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Other

Little gourd (Kundru)

Price Date : 14 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Little gourd (Kundru)

Knool Khol

Price Date : 14 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Other


Price Date : 14 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Pine Apple


Price Date : 14 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Other


Price Date : 14 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Other

Tender Coconut

Price Date : 14 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Tender Coconut

Water Melon

Price Date : 14 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Water Melon


Price Date : 14 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Other

Field Pea

Price Date : 14 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Field Pea

Lotus Sticks

Price Date : 14 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Lotus Sticks


Price Date : 13 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Other


Price Date : 13 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Other


Price Date : 13 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Other


Price Date : 13 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Other


Price Date : 13 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Other


Price Date : 13 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Pears


Price Date : 12 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Nagpuri

Water Melon

Price Date : 9 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Other


Price Date : 7 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Apple


Price Date : 5 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Chausa


Price Date : 3 Sep

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Colacasia


Price Date : 31 Aug

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Rizakwadi


Price Date : 23 Aug

State : Jammu and Kashmir

District : Jammu

Market : Narwal Jammu (F&V)

Variety : Other