Green Gram (Moong)(Whole) prices in Lalitpur market, Lalitpur, Uttar Pradesh - - Agriculture Products and Services for Farmers in India

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Green Gram (Moong)(Whole) prices in Lalitpur market, Lalitpur, Uttar Pradesh

Price Date Variety Min Price (Rs./Quintal) Max Price (Rs./Quintal) Modal Price (Rs./Quintal)
24 Jul Green (Whole) 7350 7500 7460
23 Jul Green (Whole) 7380 7650 7550
19 Jul Green (Whole) 7420 7500 7450
16 Jul Green (Whole) 7420 7600 7500
16 Jul Green (Whole) 7420 7600 7500

Green (Whole)

Price Date : 24 Jul

Green (Whole)

Price Date : 23 Jul

Green (Whole)

Price Date : 19 Jul

Green (Whole)

Price Date : 16 Jul

Green (Whole)

Price Date : 16 Jul