Jack fruit Mandi prices in Dhupguri principal market yard, West Bengal - Agriplus.in - Agriculture Products and Services for Farmers in India

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Jack fruit Mandi prices in Dhupguri principal market yard, West Bengal

Price Date Commodity Traded Commodity Arrivals Min Price (Rs./Quintal) Max Price (Rs./Quintal) Modal Price (Rs./Quintal)
4 Jun 8 8 500 500 500
1 Jun 8 8 450 450 450
30 May 28 8 500 600 600
28 May 28 8 500 600 600
27 May 28 8 500 600 600
25 May 28 10 500 600 600
24 May 28 28 500 600 600
23 May 14 14 500 500 500
10 May 24 13 1600 2350 2350
4 May 24 24 1600 1600 1600

8 Arrival

8 Traded

Price Date : 4 Jun

8 Arrival

8 Traded

Price Date : 1 Jun

8 Arrival

28 Traded

Price Date : 30 May

8 Arrival

28 Traded

Price Date : 28 May

8 Arrival

28 Traded

Price Date : 27 May

10 Arrival

28 Traded

Price Date : 25 May

28 Arrival

28 Traded

Price Date : 24 May

14 Arrival

14 Traded

Price Date : 23 May

13 Arrival

24 Traded

Price Date : 10 May

24 Arrival

24 Traded

Price Date : 4 May