Chillies Mandi prices in Hyderabad, Telangana - - Agriculture Products and Services for Farmers in India

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Chillies Mandi prices in Hyderabad, Telangana

Price Date Commodity Traded Commodity Arrivals Min Price (Rs./Quintal) Max Price (Rs./Quintal) Modal Price (Rs./Quintal)
17 Oct 209 288 5500 16511 9500
16 Oct 207 207 5500 16500 6500
15 Oct 205 218 6001 18000 15000
14 Oct 243 176 5000 13100 12500
11 Oct 116 180 1000 14800 10400
10 Oct 126 131 5500 15500 12500
9 Oct 91 82 6300 13200 7000
8 Oct 489 163 2000 16000 13000
7 Oct 90 462 2500 16100 14300
5 Oct 60 60 7000 13000 8000
4 Oct 457 77 6000 16300 12000
3 Oct 103 506 6000 13700 6000
1 Oct 411 265 7000 19300 7000
30 Sep 75 192 11000 15000 13300
28 Sep 12 21 6500 19000 6500
27 Sep 759 430 4500 15200 14000
26 Sep 400 789 4000 15500 9000
25 Sep 450 260 3800 18000 12500
24 Sep 435 405 5000 17700 14500
23 Sep 77 42 4500 17000 4652
21 Sep 163 250 7000 18002 14500
20 Sep 339 302 6500 17000 15000
19 Sep 374 510 6000 16800 10000
18 Sep 180 227 10000 16700 10000
16 Sep 53 56 8000 12600 12600
14 Sep 64 72 5500 15000 7302
13 Sep 522 180 6000 18000 11600
12 Sep 21 272 4000 15000 4000
11 Sep 130 156 6000 14500 6000
10 Sep 178 190 6000 13600 13600
9 Sep 226 308 9100 15500 12600
6 Sep 261 270 6000 17700 17700
5 Sep 222 191 6000 15000 9500
4 Sep 265 284 5000 15100 7200
3 Sep 230 282 5500 12500 9500
31 Aug 31 33 9000 11000 9000
30 Aug 463 414 6500 18800 15000
29 Aug 100 158 6000 13200 13200
28 Aug 140 86 7000 18000 18000
27 Aug 147 220 5000 17001 10500
26 Aug 233 231 4000 14300 10500
24 Aug 157 165 4000 15000 12500
23 Aug 34 126 12000 13800 12800
22 Aug 90 42 4500 15500 13500
21 Aug 177 180 3000 15000 10500
20 Aug 81 166 5800 13800 6000
19 Aug 52 49 9500 13300 11400
17 Aug 93 119 2000 13500 10000
16 Aug 65 66 5000 13000 5000
14 Aug 81 146 6500 10350 6500
13 Aug 145 137 9600 15000 14500
12 Aug 204 227 4000 15000 15000
10 Aug 54 66 6400 15500 6400
9 Aug 254 246 6300 15000 6400
8 Aug 177 202 6350 19000 6350
7 Aug 147 181 6500 15500 6500
6 Aug 270 265 6000 13200 6500
5 Aug 114 140 9600 17000 13500
3 Aug 32 31 9500 13300 10800
2 Aug 157 158 10000 14500 11500
1 Aug 142 206 6000 18000 13500
31 Jul 221 226 2000 16500 11500
30 Jul 78 87 10500 14500 12500
27 Jul 70 72 9300 14000 9500
26 Jul 14 18 5000 14600 12000
25 Jul 112 104 9100 10100 9500
23 Jul 203 223 6200 16500 9000

288 Arrival

209 Traded

Price Date : 17 Oct

207 Arrival

207 Traded

Price Date : 16 Oct

218 Arrival

205 Traded

Price Date : 15 Oct

176 Arrival

243 Traded

Price Date : 14 Oct

180 Arrival

116 Traded

Price Date : 11 Oct

131 Arrival

126 Traded

Price Date : 10 Oct

82 Arrival

91 Traded

Price Date : 9 Oct

163 Arrival

489 Traded

Price Date : 8 Oct

462 Arrival

90 Traded

Price Date : 7 Oct

60 Arrival

60 Traded

Price Date : 5 Oct

77 Arrival

457 Traded

Price Date : 4 Oct

506 Arrival

103 Traded

Price Date : 3 Oct

265 Arrival

411 Traded

Price Date : 1 Oct

192 Arrival

75 Traded

Price Date : 30 Sep

21 Arrival

12 Traded

Price Date : 28 Sep

430 Arrival

759 Traded

Price Date : 27 Sep

789 Arrival

400 Traded

Price Date : 26 Sep

260 Arrival

450 Traded

Price Date : 25 Sep

405 Arrival

435 Traded

Price Date : 24 Sep

42 Arrival

77 Traded

Price Date : 23 Sep

250 Arrival

163 Traded

Price Date : 21 Sep

302 Arrival

339 Traded

Price Date : 20 Sep

510 Arrival

374 Traded

Price Date : 19 Sep

227 Arrival

180 Traded

Price Date : 18 Sep

56 Arrival

53 Traded

Price Date : 16 Sep

72 Arrival

64 Traded

Price Date : 14 Sep

180 Arrival

522 Traded

Price Date : 13 Sep

272 Arrival

21 Traded

Price Date : 12 Sep

156 Arrival

130 Traded

Price Date : 11 Sep

190 Arrival

178 Traded

Price Date : 10 Sep

308 Arrival

226 Traded

Price Date : 9 Sep

270 Arrival

261 Traded

Price Date : 6 Sep

191 Arrival

222 Traded

Price Date : 5 Sep

284 Arrival

265 Traded

Price Date : 4 Sep

282 Arrival

230 Traded

Price Date : 3 Sep

33 Arrival

31 Traded

Price Date : 31 Aug

414 Arrival

463 Traded

Price Date : 30 Aug

158 Arrival

100 Traded

Price Date : 29 Aug

86 Arrival

140 Traded

Price Date : 28 Aug

220 Arrival

147 Traded

Price Date : 27 Aug

231 Arrival

233 Traded

Price Date : 26 Aug

165 Arrival

157 Traded

Price Date : 24 Aug

126 Arrival

34 Traded

Price Date : 23 Aug

42 Arrival

90 Traded

Price Date : 22 Aug

180 Arrival

177 Traded

Price Date : 21 Aug

166 Arrival

81 Traded

Price Date : 20 Aug

49 Arrival

52 Traded

Price Date : 19 Aug

119 Arrival

93 Traded

Price Date : 17 Aug

66 Arrival

65 Traded

Price Date : 16 Aug

146 Arrival

81 Traded

Price Date : 14 Aug

137 Arrival

145 Traded

Price Date : 13 Aug

227 Arrival

204 Traded

Price Date : 12 Aug

66 Arrival

54 Traded

Price Date : 10 Aug

246 Arrival

254 Traded

Price Date : 9 Aug

202 Arrival

177 Traded

Price Date : 8 Aug

181 Arrival

147 Traded

Price Date : 7 Aug

265 Arrival

270 Traded

Price Date : 6 Aug

140 Arrival

114 Traded

Price Date : 5 Aug

31 Arrival

32 Traded

Price Date : 3 Aug

158 Arrival

157 Traded

Price Date : 2 Aug

206 Arrival

142 Traded

Price Date : 1 Aug

226 Arrival

221 Traded

Price Date : 31 Jul

87 Arrival

78 Traded

Price Date : 30 Jul

72 Arrival

70 Traded

Price Date : 27 Jul

18 Arrival

14 Traded

Price Date : 26 Jul

104 Arrival

112 Traded

Price Date : 25 Jul

223 Arrival

203 Traded

Price Date : 23 Jul