Urad (black gram) Mandi prices in Atru, Rajasthan - Agriplus.in - Agriculture Products and Services for Farmers in India

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Urad (black gram) Mandi prices in Atru, Rajasthan

Price Date Commodity Traded Commodity Arrivals Min Price (Rs./Quintal) Max Price (Rs./Quintal) Modal Price (Rs./Quintal)
17 Oct 19 4 5790 6490 5790
16 Oct 3 19 5931 5931 5931
14 Oct 23 4 5450 6550 6550
11 Oct 12 0 5450 6860 5450
9 Oct 63 25 5314 6828 5750
8 Oct 4 7 7190 7190 7190
5 Oct 18 9 4751 6750 6750
4 Oct 49 16 4350 7450 5850
1 Oct 60 41 5301 6925 6050
30 Sep 48 55 5425 6756 5425
28 Sep 105 41 4670 7087 5311
27 Sep 75 71 5290 7000 5818
25 Sep 196 74 5000 7450 6030
24 Sep 101 0 4100 7200 7001
23 Sep 51 212 6100 7300 7300
20 Sep 44 53 5700 7500 6985
19 Sep 75 43 6000 7800 6701
18 Sep 13 76 6600 7500 6600
9 Sep 3 0 6701 6701 6701
5 Sep 6 0 7351 7351 7351
8 Aug 4 0 7000 7000 7000
24 Jul 2 0 6765 6765 6765

4 Arrival

19 Traded

Price Date : 17 Oct

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Price Date : 16 Oct

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Price Date : 14 Oct

0 Arrival

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Price Date : 11 Oct

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63 Traded

Price Date : 9 Oct

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Price Date : 8 Oct

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Price Date : 5 Oct

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49 Traded

Price Date : 4 Oct

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60 Traded

Price Date : 1 Oct

55 Arrival

48 Traded

Price Date : 30 Sep

41 Arrival

105 Traded

Price Date : 28 Sep

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75 Traded

Price Date : 27 Sep

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196 Traded

Price Date : 25 Sep

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101 Traded

Price Date : 24 Sep

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51 Traded

Price Date : 23 Sep

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Price Date : 20 Sep

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75 Traded

Price Date : 19 Sep

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Price Date : 18 Sep

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3 Traded

Price Date : 9 Sep

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Price Date : 5 Sep

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Price Date : 8 Aug

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Price Date : 24 Jul