Paddy-basmati1509 Mandi prices in Sonepat, Haryana - - Agriculture Products and Services for Farmers in India

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Paddy-basmati1509 Mandi prices in Sonepat, Haryana

Price Date Commodity Traded Commodity Arrivals Min Price (Rs./Quintal) Max Price (Rs./Quintal) Modal Price (Rs./Quintal)
14 Sep 417 345 2381 3101 3101
13 Sep 645 110 2351 2761 2701
12 Sep 1155 940 1901 2831 2501
11 Sep 937 1178 2025 2781 2525
10 Sep 1116 732 1851 3101 3101
7 Sep 343 595 2001 2701 2291
6 Sep 566 334 1901 4251 2201
4 Sep 101 549 2461 2601 2601
3 Sep 165 105 2321 2601 2601
1 Sep 57 0 2451 2601 2601
30 Aug 193 0 1101 2501 2501
27 Aug 80 80 3851 4001 4001
14 Aug 50 80 1801 2151 1801
9 Aug 50 0 2001 2100 2001
26 Jul 80 0 2051 2051 2051

345 Arrival

417 Traded

Price Date : 14 Sep

110 Arrival

645 Traded

Price Date : 13 Sep

940 Arrival

1155 Traded

Price Date : 12 Sep

1178 Arrival

937 Traded

Price Date : 11 Sep

732 Arrival

1116 Traded

Price Date : 10 Sep

595 Arrival

343 Traded

Price Date : 7 Sep

334 Arrival

566 Traded

Price Date : 6 Sep

549 Arrival

101 Traded

Price Date : 4 Sep

105 Arrival

165 Traded

Price Date : 3 Sep

0 Arrival

57 Traded

Price Date : 1 Sep

0 Arrival

193 Traded

Price Date : 30 Aug

80 Arrival

80 Traded

Price Date : 27 Aug

80 Arrival

50 Traded

Price Date : 14 Aug

0 Arrival

50 Traded

Price Date : 9 Aug

0 Arrival

80 Traded

Price Date : 26 Jul