Ground nut Mandi prices in Ellanabad, Haryana - - Agriculture Products and Services for Farmers in India

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Ground nut Mandi prices in Ellanabad, Haryana

Price Date Commodity Traded Commodity Arrivals Min Price (Rs./Quintal) Max Price (Rs./Quintal) Modal Price (Rs./Quintal)
17 Oct 434 131 2651 4571 4200
16 Oct 58 293 3805 4486 4411
15 Oct 225 263 3595 4530 4341
14 Oct 314 153 3900 4845 4425
12 Oct 394 345 2851 4640 2851
11 Oct 534 384 2805 4595 4255
10 Oct 367 544 3805 4921 3805
9 Oct 349 367 3990 5150 4200
8 Oct 377 293 3650 4735 4390
7 Oct 70 418 4180 4590 4580
3 Oct 357 155 3290 4666 4281
2 Oct 335 362 3700 4870 4390
1 Oct 164 329 4100 4975 4611
30 Sep 319 164 4000 5050 4500
28 Sep 169 289 3005 4740 3005
27 Sep 173 181 3830 4591 4580
26 Sep 44 116 4350 4580 4580
25 Sep 146 119 4100 4580 4550
24 Sep 188 141 4001 4581 4300
23 Sep 130 194 4001 4620 4300
21 Sep 138 130 3280 4495 4495
20 Sep 47 138 3600 4050 3800
19 Sep 56 47 3601 4760 4760
18 Sep 37 56 3621 4445 4445
17 Sep 42 37 3795 4350 4066
16 Sep 7 42 3516 3516 3516

131 Arrival

434 Traded

Price Date : 17 Oct

293 Arrival

58 Traded

Price Date : 16 Oct

263 Arrival

225 Traded

Price Date : 15 Oct

153 Arrival

314 Traded

Price Date : 14 Oct

345 Arrival

394 Traded

Price Date : 12 Oct

384 Arrival

534 Traded

Price Date : 11 Oct

544 Arrival

367 Traded

Price Date : 10 Oct

367 Arrival

349 Traded

Price Date : 9 Oct

293 Arrival

377 Traded

Price Date : 8 Oct

418 Arrival

70 Traded

Price Date : 7 Oct

155 Arrival

357 Traded

Price Date : 3 Oct

362 Arrival

335 Traded

Price Date : 2 Oct

329 Arrival

164 Traded

Price Date : 1 Oct

164 Arrival

319 Traded

Price Date : 30 Sep

289 Arrival

169 Traded

Price Date : 28 Sep

181 Arrival

173 Traded

Price Date : 27 Sep

116 Arrival

44 Traded

Price Date : 26 Sep

119 Arrival

146 Traded

Price Date : 25 Sep

141 Arrival

188 Traded

Price Date : 24 Sep

194 Arrival

130 Traded

Price Date : 23 Sep

130 Arrival

138 Traded

Price Date : 21 Sep

138 Arrival

47 Traded

Price Date : 20 Sep

47 Arrival

56 Traded

Price Date : 19 Sep

56 Arrival

37 Traded

Price Date : 18 Sep

37 Arrival

42 Traded

Price Date : 17 Sep

42 Arrival

7 Traded

Price Date : 16 Sep